PGT-A: Yes versus No

Document Type : Debate


1 Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt. Egypt.

2 Agial Fertility Center, Agial Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt.

3 Egyptian Foundation of Reproductive Medicine and Embryology (EFRE), Egypt.

4 Madina ICSI Fertility Center, Madina women's hospital, Alexandria, Egypt.


The goal of In Vitro Fertilisation is a healthy full-term fetus. Still ART remains inefficient. The selection of embryos for transfer is based mainly on morphology. Morphology alone cannot select the embryo with the highest implantation potential. About 60% of early human embryos are aneuploid, and it increases dramatically with increasing maternal age.Embryo aneuploidy is the leading cause of implantation failure and miscarriage after IVF.
Aneuploidy screening through taking a biopsy from the morphologically normal embryos & analysis of the embryo DNA allows to deselect embryos with abnormal chromosomal number. Aneuploid embryos are unable to self-correct. The proposed benefit is to improve embryo selection over morphological assessment to enhance the likelihood that a transferred embryo would result in a healthy live birth.

Despite its worldwide use, PGT-A has faced many challenges and concerns from opponents regarding its value, accuracy, validity, cost effectiveness. Several fundamental questions must be answered in this regard.


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